Coleção: Paula Almeida

House Hipolito Antonio Hipolito Junior Monday, November 15, 2010 years ago-Massena troops had taken away from His positions against the lines of Vedras (...) On the morning of November the British striker noted that Sentinels had become strangely rigid; A more close exam showed that they were made of straw. The French had been withdrawn at night to the fog. ” (quoted by A.H.Norris and R.W. Bremner, The Lines of Torres Vedras, Lisbon 1986, p.19, according to Thomas Croft de Moura). They spend two hundred years today about the French's withdrawals from their situation against the towers lines, maintained for just over a month. Thus began the withdrawal of the French army of Portugal and the lines of towers were definitely entered history. To celebrate this date, we decided to reproduce here part of a collection of English prints that sometimes portray, sometimes the French invasions in the Torres Vedras region. Its authorship is attributed to several English recorders, Landmann, W. Hesth and Viviane and were reproduced in a calendar edited in the 1960s by Hip Hip Hippolyt. António Hipólito Júnior.

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