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A haunting moment between two figures whose faces are shrouded in cloth, creating an atmosphere of mystery and anonymity. The piece explores themes of intimacy and separation, as well as the barriers that can exist between individuals, even in closeness. The deep blue background enhances the sense of isolation, while the poetic inscription at the bottom, “Eu não sou eu, nem sou o outro… sou qualquer coisa de intermédio” (by Mário de Sá-Carneiro), suggests a profound reflection on identity and the space between self and other. This artwork resonates with feelings of melancholy and longing, inviting the viewer to ponder the complexities of connection.
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We accept returns. You can return unopened items in the original packaging within 30 days of your purchase with receipt or proof of purchase. If 30 days or more have passed since your purchase, we cannot offer you a refund or an exchange.
Upon receipt of the returned item, we will fully examine it and notify you via email, within a reasonable period of time, whether you are entitled to a return. If you are entitled to a return, we will refund your purchase price and a credit will automatically be applied to your original method of payment.
Only regular priced items may be refunded. Sale items are non-refundable.
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Refunds do not include any shipping and handling charges shown on the packaging slip or invoice. Shipping charges for all returns must be prepaid and insured by you.
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A haunting moment between two figures whose faces are shrouded in cloth, creating an atmosphere of mystery and anonymity. The piece explores themes of intimacy and separation, as well as the barriers that can exist between individuals, even in closeness. The deep blue background enhances the sense of isolation, while the poetic inscription at the bottom, “Eu não sou eu, nem sou o outro… sou qualquer coisa de intermédio” (by Mário de Sá-Carneiro), suggests a profound reflection on identity and the space between self and other. This artwork resonates with feelings of melancholy and longing, inviting the viewer to ponder the complexities of connection.
Return Policy
We accept returns. You can return unopened items in the original packaging within 30 days of your purchase with receipt or proof of purchase. If 30 days or more have passed since your purchase, we cannot offer you a refund or an exchange.
Upon receipt of the returned item, we will fully examine it and notify you via email, within a reasonable period of time, whether you are entitled to a return. If you are entitled to a return, we will refund your purchase price and a credit will automatically be applied to your original method of payment.
Only regular priced items may be refunded. Sale items are non-refundable.
Customer Service
Refunds do not include any shipping and handling charges shown on the packaging slip or invoice. Shipping charges for all returns must be prepaid and insured by you.
You are responsible for any loss or damage to hardware during shipment.
We do not guarantee that we will receive your returned item. Shipping and handling charges are not refundable. Any amounts refunded will not include the cost of shipping.
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