
Stronddo's Art Report (Q1 2024)


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Stronddo Art Gallery's "Art Market Report - Digital & Trends", built on Statista data, provided by Hiscox and ArtTactic, is an excellent illustration of how digitalisation landscape is growing in this lively field.

Which are the prefered social media chanels to sell art? What are the challenges people face when buying online? These and other questions are answered in this report.

This report brings visibility into this fast-growing crossroads of art and technology, providing clear and sharp insights into the trends, behaviours, and preferences that will craft the future of art in a digital age. 


Stronddo Art Gallery's "Art Market Report - Digital & Trends", built on Statista data, provided by Hiscox and ArtTactic, is an excellent illustration of how digitalisation landscape is growing in this lively field.

Which are the prefered social media chanels to sell art? What are the challenges people face when buying online? These and other questions are answered in this report.

This report brings visibility into this fast-growing crossroads of art and technology, providing clear and sharp insights into the trends, behaviours, and preferences that will craft the future of art in a digital age. 

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